Audience Effects Theory

Audience Effects Theory

1) Write a definition of a passive audience: This is the view that the audiences take into form from the media that has the sames effects as everyone.
2) Write a definition of an active audience: This is more modern and generally accepted view that audiences interact the media they consume.

3) Write a definition of the hypodermic needle theory: A suggestion that audiences are always passive and therefore take the intended message.

4) Write down a media product for each category of Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory and WHY it fits that particular audience use/gratification:

INFORMATION/SURVEILLANCE: The news uses this to inform people.

 > Why:to inform if something is happening in their area or town/city. 

IDENTITY:Somthing that links to the audience

 > Why: The audience can relate to it after 

DIVERSION/ENTERTAINMENT: Action movies will be entertaining because they use violence.

 > Why:because they now that these days kids and some adults like t see violence and that is entertaining for them to see.

RELATIONSHIPS:Shows peoples life with hidden cameras.
 > Why: when you have an interaction with the person on the show.

5) Re-watch the clip from Blue Planet above and write a paragraph analysing how elements of the clip offer the audience pleasures or gratifications (use media terminology from Uses and Gratifications theory and the 3 Vs - notes outlined above). 

VISCERAL PLEASURE:When you watch blue planet you watch with your eyes wide open because  you do not want to miss anything from the thrilling show.

VICARIOUS  PLEASURE :Something you can experience like feeling the water and the characters talking to you and how the sunlight is reflecting on the fishes and other underwater creatures.

VOYEURISTIC PLEASURE:Hidden cameras so the animals dont see it because if they do they will damage it.


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