
Showing posts from April, 2020
1) What does intertextuality refer to in Media Studies?  [2 marks] The definition of intertexuality is the relationships between two texts.So it refers to creating references to another kinds  of media with another media text. 2) Explain how the OMO advertisement reflects the social and historical context of its time.  [6 marks] The advert reflects on the time where men were not equal as woman but were more superior  and more dominant towards them.This advert made in 1950s. This advert shows  a very happy woman who is wearing clothes that the housewives wore in that time.Her facial expressions show that she is impressed from this washing up liquid product.The woman is putting up clothes on the washing line,this can suggest that she is a housewife. 3) How do advertisements reinforce and challenge stereotypes in the media?  Answer with reference to the NHS Blood and Transplant online advertising campaign Represent.  [12 marks] This  particular  NHS  advertising  cam

Galaxy 'Chauffeur' advert

1) Who is Audrey Hepburn? Audrey Hepburn was a British actress and humanitarian .  2) Why did Galaxy select Audrey Hepburn for this advert? They selected her because it was  the year of her hit film Roman Holiday and the advert is set on the luxurious Italian Riviera just like the advert. 3) What are the connotations of Audrey Hepburn and celebrity in this advert? The connotation is that Aundrey Hepburn is the celebrity in this advert of Galaxy. 4) Why is the advert set in the 1950s? What audience pleasure does this provide? That if you sit in a car with a gentleman you will be relaxed and this advert of Galaxy is set in the 1950s because of the stereotypes in that time. 5) What is intertextuality?  i ntertextuality is where one media product (e.g. Galaxy) makes reference to other media products. 6) What Audrey Hepburn film is suggested in this advert and how is this effect created (e.g. mise-en-scene - CLAMPS: costume, lighting, actors, make-up, props, setting)? The film t

Sample questions for Advertising and Marketing

1) What year was the advert produced? The product was produced in 1955 2) How were women represented in most adverts in the 1950s? Woman were presented as house-wives at that time.  3) How does the heading message ('OMO makes whites bright') and typography promote the product? They have used this slogan because white is known as bright colour and they wrote the title in a big and bold font. 4) Analyse the mise-en-scene in the advert (CLAMPS): how is costume, make-up and placement of the model used to suggest women's role in society? Her role is a housewive because of her clothes and that also suggests that she is happy with this product because she is satisfied with it. 5) Why is a picture of the product added to the bottom right of the advert? The picture is there to represent the product. 6) What are the connotations of the chosen colours in this advert? the colour scheme is bright which connotates that the woman in that time were happy with this product and the colo

Represent NHS Blood & Transplant campaign

1) What does BAME stand for? BAME stands for Black,Asian and minority ethinic. 2) Why is there a need for blood in the BAME community? Blood is needed becasue only 3% of Black and Asian give blood to people who need it. 3) What does this advert want people to do once they've seen it (the 'call to action')? They want the people to book an appointment to donate they blood right after they have seen the advert of Lady Leshurr. 4) Why is the advert called 'Represent'? The advert is called represent becasue the advert tells people  that are Blackand Asian to donate to represent that ethnicity 5) Why have the producers chosen famous BAME celebrities to feature in the advert? Give an example of three well-known people who appear in the advert and why they are famous. So they will follow what the celebraty does so then they could do what the celebraty does. 6) Why is there a slow-paced long shot of empty chairs at the end of the advert? There is a slow paced shot of e