1) What does intertextuality refer to in Media Studies? [2 marks]

The definition of intertexuality is the relationships between two texts.So it refers to creating references to another kinds  of media with another media text.

2) Explain how the OMO advertisement reflects the social and historical context of its time. [6 marks]
The advert reflects on the time where men were not equal as woman but were more superior  and more dominant towards them.This advert made in 1950s. This advert shows  a very happy woman who is wearing clothes that the housewives wore in that time.Her facial expressions show that she is impressed from this washing up liquid product.The woman is putting up clothes on the washing line,this can suggest that she is a housewife.

3) How do advertisements reinforce and challenge stereotypes in the media? 
Answer with reference to the NHS Blood and Transplant online advertising campaign Represent. [12 marks]
This particular NHS advertising campaign starts with a black female rapper who raps about how minorities such as blacks and Asians can become whatever they like. No job is impossible for them such as becoming lawyers and doctors. The final point of the whole advertising campaign shows the consumers  that only 3% of minorities donate blood. This campaign reflects on that fact and urges minorities to donate blood. Everyone should be treated equally and also donating blood means savings lives therefore, whatever colour or race, everyone should be donating blood to the people in need.Anyone can do anything no matter what minority they are.

This semiotics of this advert is that everyone should be donating blood no just one race,regardless of any colour of race, you should donate blood .The subverted stereotypes are femininity disabilities,masculinity etc and that shows that everyone are equal just like the point in the last paragraph that no one has dominion over you or anyone else. This advert also shows that what ever you do comes from you and no-one else and you have the right to say what you want to do or do what you want to do.This advert also shows the famous people who are now known for not backing down and that is how  you should also be.


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