Watch the YouTube video outlining the history of the video games industry from the 1970s to the 2010s. Now answer the following questions:

1) What were the first video games like?The first video games used to be platform games which is games that were played with a 3rd person angle whereas now you could play either 3rd or 1st person from the new technology.

2) How have video games changed over time?There have been millions of games created in the 50 years since creation of 1962's Spacewar, the first true video game.

3) What do the most successful games have in common? Answer this in as much detail as you can. Think about audience pleasures - what do people like about playing video games?The games that have been successful normally have action in it which makes every part of audience play it as well as adventurous because that will be from ages 15-35.

4) What criticisms have been made towards video games?People have complaints about their children playing games that include Excessive Playing,Violence,gender stereotyping and racial stereotyping.

1) How many Fortnite players are there worldwide? Here's an updated article with recent figures for you.They have have 78.3 million players world wide.

2) Why is it so popular? What are the audience pleasures of the game?This game is popular and successful; because it is free to play and is free on every platform including  PS4 Xbox 1,360.


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